What Will You Look Like in 20 Years?
Ever wondered what you will look like twenty or thirty years from now? It’s easy to find out! You can have a peek into the future with Luxand’s new free service, In20Years. Just submit a picture of a face, and In20Years will do the rest automatically.

Under the Hood
To produce results as convincing as this, special algorithms were developed and used in combination with Luxand’s existing technologies. Under the hood, In20Years features Luxand’s proprietary biometric algorithms including automatic face identification and recognition of facial features. A special bio-morphing technique was developed to convincingly age the face some twenty or thirty years.
Have Fun!
Interested what all the buzz is about? Visit in20years.co with your picture ready and find out! By the way, if you wish to see what your future baby will look like try the baby generator to morph your and your partner's face into your baby's face.
Use It on Your Website
Luxand encourages Web developers to use In20Years as well as its other entertainment services on their own websites. It’s quick and easy to use In20Years on your website with WEB API, sample code and detailed instructions handily available.
The How To
Connecting to the API is extremely simple. The actual complex mechanics are implemented on our servers. You’ll just need to connect your app with the server by using an online API as detailed in the manual.
To get more information and request the pricing of the API, please fill in the following form and we will get back to you as soon as possible:
Protected by U.S. Patent 8,879,804.