Luxand FaceSDK – Configuration

  FSDK_SetParameter Function

Sets a parameter for FaceSDK. See the FaceSDK Parameters section for details.

Note that, to set Tracker parameters, the FSDK_SetTrackerParameter or FSDK_SetTrackerMultipleParameters function should be used instead.

C++ Syntax:

int FSDK_SetParameter(const char * ParameterName, const char * ParameterValue);

Delphi Syntax:

function FSDK_SetParameter(ParameterName, ParameterValue: PAnsiChar): integer;

C# Syntax:

int FSDK.SetParameter(string ParameterName, string ParameterValue);

VB Syntax:

Function FSDKVB_SetParameter(ByVal ParameterName As String, ByVal ParameterValue As String) As Long

Java and Android Syntax:

int FSDK.SetParameter(String ParameterName, String ParameterValue);


ParameterName – name of the parameter to be set.
ParameterValue – value of the parameter.

Return Value:

Returns FSDKE_OK if successful.

  FSDK_SetParameters Function

Sets multiple parameters for FaceSDK.The parameters and their values are specified in the following format:


See the FaceSDK Parameters section for details.

C++ Syntax:

int FSDK_SetParameters(const char * Parameters, int * ErrorPosition);

Delphi Syntax:

function FSDK_SetParameters(Parameters: PAnsiChar; ErrorPosition: PInteger): integer;

C# Syntax:

int FSDK.SetParameters(string Parameters, ref int ErrorPosition);

VB Syntax:

Function FSDKVB_SetParameters(ByVal Parameters As String, ByRef ErrorPosition As Long) As Long);

Java and Android Syntax:

int FSDK.SetParameters(String Parameters, IntByReference ErrorPosition);


Parameters – string containing the parameters and the corresponding values to be set.
ErrorPosition – pointer to the integer variable that will receive the position of the character that caused the syntax error in the string.

Return Value:

Returns FSDKE_OK if successful. Returns FSDKE_SYNTAX_ERROR and sets the value of the ErrorPosition variable in case of syntax error.


int err = 0;
FSDK_SetParameters("FaceDetectionModel=thermal.bin; TrimOutOfScreenFaces=false; TrimFacesWithUncertainFacialFeatures=false", &err);

  FaceSDK Parameters

FaceSDK allows for setting a number of parameters with the FSDK_SetParameter or FSDK_SetParameters function.

Face detection parameters

Note that the Tracker API does not use the face detection parameters set with FSDK_SetParameter or FSDK_SetParameters . Instead, you should use FSDK_SetTrackerParameter or FSDK_SetTrackerMultipleParameters.

Also note that additional face detection parameters can be set by calling the FSDK_SetFaceDetectionParameters and FSDK_SetFaceDetectionThreshold functions.

FaceDetectionModel – a path to the face detection model file to load. You can use it to load thermal face detection model (see the Thermal sample application). The value “default” can be passed to switch back to the default visual face detection model.

TrimOutOfScreenFaces – determines whether faces that go beyond the edges of the image should be excluded from face detection. The default value is True (such faces aren’t detected). Use True when you extract face templates from the detected faces and match them. Setting the value to False allows you to detect faces in a larger number of cases, but such faces may yield higher false acceptance rates when matching faces.

TrimFacesWithUncertainFacialFeatures – determines whether faces with uncertain facial features should not be detected. The default value is True (faces with uncertain facial features aren’t detected). Should be set to False for a thermal face detection model. Use True when you extract face templates from the detected faces and match them. Setting the value to False allows you to detect faces in a larger number of cases, but such faces may yield higher false acceptance rates when matching faces.


Next chapterWorking with Images


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